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∎ Read Gratis The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books

The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books

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Download PDF  The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books

It is the crowning day of twenty-five-year-old Bess Tudor's life as she returns from exile to become England's queen. But even as her magnificent procession wends its way to Westminster Palace, a shot rings out, muffled by the jostling crowd. Within moments of becoming England's ruler, Elizabeth learns of the brutal murder of a highborn lady of the court, the sister of one of her dearest friends. Elizabeth cannot refuse her friend's request to find the killer -- especially since the prime suspect is too close to the crown -- and her friends -- to overlook.

Elizabeth must be circumspect. Trust can be deadly. So she summons her small band of loyal retainers and plunges into a cauldron of conflicting loyalties and deadly intrigue. From the pomp, pageantry, and insidious gossip of the court to the lethal tidal pools swirling under London Bridge, the passionate young queen must seize the reins of her empire -- and find a killer determined to destroy the crown itself....

The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books

it has some surprises and i love the "fictional" quality of it.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 7 hours and 30 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Audible Studios
  • Release Date April 18, 2013
  • Language English

Read  The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books

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The Tidal Poole (Audible Audio Edition) Karen Harper Katherine Kellgren Audible Studios Books Reviews

I just love the era of knights, queens, and kings. This book fulfilled all of my book reading desires. It protrays Elizabeth the I as a yound queen who on the day of her march to the palace has one of her best friends relatives murdered. Elizabeth is protrayed as a young woman who hates to share here power with anyone, but is caring and sentative to the plight of her people. She almost ends up dying to figure out the mystery. Karen Harper did a surpurb job of researching the Elizabethian era. I loved the fact that a queen can still be "hot headed" enough to dress as a commoner and get her hands dirty.
The second of a (so far) three volume mystery series, The Tidal Poole seems well researched with lots of details suggesting the Elizabethan era. But the characters including Good Queen Bess (a young GQB) are one dimensional and less than compelling. Although I like the subgenre of historical mysteries as a rule, this is one of the weaker series. The fault, I suppose, lies in Harper's portrayal of Elizabeth herself. Her temper, easily aroused passions, and inconsistent relationships with her key courtiers become off-putting and unbelievable. She must have watched the old Bette Davis movie a lot. Too bad. I really wanted to like this...
with what I think is well researched background and good atmosphere, it really strained my ability to "suspend disbelief". The idea that Elizabeth I would be so free to assume another identity and go wandering around London just was too much a stretch for me. Not that she would necessarily be recognized--as most of her subjects had no idea what she looked like. The kingdom was in such turmoil at the time with disaffected Catholics, duplicitous nobles and general lawlessness, I don't think she'd ever risk falling into unfriendly hands. Elizabeth was notoriously (and justifiably) suspicious of everyone, so the idea that she might be fooled by such a transparent villain was not at all believable. That being said, the characters were well drawn, and the Tudor atmosphere seemed authentic.
Karen Harper's The Tidal Poole is vastly superior to the first effort of her Elizabeth I Mystery series -- and I liked The Poyson Garden well enough to have bought this second one. Immediately after her coronation in 1559 the young Queen Elizabeth is again convening her Privy Plot Council, a ragtag kitchen cabinet of trusted court officials and loyal servants. This time their task is to find the murderer of Penelope Whyte, Lady Maldon, a loose woman of fashion and sister of valued friends. Lady Whyte's sordid murder leads to the uncovering of an unexpected plot against the Queen herself.
I recommend this book. Harper's characters are engaging; her Elizabeth is credible and sympathetic; and her recreation of Tudor London is fascinating. I especially appreciate her knowledge of herbal medicines and cosmetics.
The history books depict Elizabeth I as a strong monarch who refused to share her power with anyone. That influenced her decision to remain single. However, rarely is it mentioned that Elizabeth occasionally dressed as a common herb woman to play detective.

Her second investigation (her first is chronicled in THE POYSON GARDEN) begins on the day that Elizabeth left the Tower to march in a London procession to take up residence in Westminster. However, during the walk, someone murders one of her retinue. Elizabeth begins to investigate a murder that ties into a plot to kill the Queen.

Karen Harper is renowned for her meticulously researched historical novels that allow the reader to visualize the era being described. THE TIDAL POOL is an enthralling work that conveys a unique look at Elizabeth as well as conveying a feel for the period. Ms. Harper is a powerful storyteller who turns Elizabeth I into a believable amateur sleuth.

Harriet Klausner
The Tidal Poole is a mystery set during the time of Elizabeth I's coronation. One woman is shot while another is raped and strangled it lies to Elizabeth I and her Privy Plot Council, a group of her courtiers, bodyguards, and servants, to unravel the mystery.

The mystery itself wasn't bad, and Elizabeth's unravelling of the plot against her is well-handled. Harper also portrays the historical figures reasonably - her Dudley is as unctuous and self-serving as he is known to have been in real life, yet we understand what Elizabeth saw in him; her Cecil is perhaps more altruistic than the real Cecil, but otherwise is a very real, rounded character. Unfortunately, she does not handle the large number of characters she creates with the same deftness, nor does she introduce these characters properly to the new reader.

This is I think a fatal mistake many series writers make - they assume the reader is with them from the first novel and are spare with characterization in later books which would allow the reader to know who was who. Often, though, the first novel is not as well-distributed as later ones, so many readers are only able to begin at the second novel and are confused by characters which are written as if the reader should know more about them than they can. This is especially troubling in Harper's case, as she creates so many characters that it's difficult for even a reader who's already read the first book to keep up. It also doesn't help that the character Harper seems to think the most sympathetic, the Herb Strewing Mistress, comes across as a dull, bland quack with little between her ears.

I'd recommend this book for the interesting plot, for Harper's sympathetic comprehension of Elizabeth I's position, and for her portrayal of historical characters such as Cecil and Dudley. The original characters are far less satisfying.
Another great novel from Karen Harper from the court of Elizabeth I, who seeks answers to murders within the royal circle.
it has some surprises and i love the "fictional" quality of it.
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